Wednesday, September 17, 2008


It's 3:45 AM. I drive along the surprisingly deserted interstate, finishing a long night of work, thinking about many things, and watching the city go by. At this hour, most people are still asleep. Only the lonely, the late nighters, and the sleepless are up at this hour. The world is a very different place when humanity is, for the most part, sleeping. It can be a very lonely place.

Right now, however, there is no loneliness. As I watch the world sweep by, I sense the presence of someone I know well. His hands formed each person who dreams, His love pursues them all: the weak and the least, the broken and the bitter. The alone and the lonely, the self satisfied and proud. He never ceases, He never relents. He is always calling, always pouring out the affections of His grace, the attentions of His scandalous kindness, the whispers of the maker, calling His creation to intimacy with Him. He never, ever, even for a second stops pursuing, wooing, and drawing us to Him...

In the days of uncertainty and desperation, in the age of doubt and despair, this I find true. I am loved by Him. I find that in this crazy relationship with this incomprehensible God who inexplicably loves me I find the only peace I will ever have, and the only thing worth having. I find in my Jesus all that I ever have or ever will need. It leaves me completely at a loss. To say that He is all would not even begin to adequately express how He is enough. He is extravangantly, lavishly, above-and-beyond enough.

Wherever you may find yourself at this moment, whatever this journey that we call life has brought you through. I can tell you this. He has never, ever, not for one smallest fraction of a millisecond, left you. Right now if you will listen, if you will open your heart, you will hear that whisper. The whisper of the One who formed you. The One who has held every moment of your life. The One who longs to be found in relationship with you, to bring you the only thing that matters in life. Peace...

"For he himself is our peace..." (Ephesians 2:14a)

May you be at peace.

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