Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Good News...

So about this "Good News" (otherwise known as the gospel)...
I've been having some recent conversations with my Christian friends, and my question is this: "What does the good news mean to disciples of Jesus?"in other words, what are the implications of the Good News to those already a part of the movement of Jesus?
Discussion welcomed as always...



Eric said...

The realization of its significance into the passion of its continuance.

Michael Norton said...

In otherwords, if we understood what was done for us, then our only response could be to give our lives to continue the spread of the good news in whatever way we could?

Eric said...

Our only -rational- response, yes. It is certainly not our only response; but, once having realized the impact of eternity for each person in this world, it would seem unconscionable to not seek the spreading of the Gospel however possible.