Sunday, September 21, 2008


Here you stand. These crossroads again. This bitter place of never-quite-realized dreams. The edge of who you were meant to be. Here you stand, and you are paralyzed by the potential. All the “maybes” and the possibilities of pain and failure hold you in place like chains of the soul. What you can't see has called your bluff. So lets talk about what you can't see.

What you can't see is that He is right there, and He's going to meet you as soon as you take that step of faith and leave your comfort zone. What you can't see is that you will never grow unless you take risks, and you will never become who you were meant to be unless you lay it all down. You can never fulfill the destiny that God placed inside of you unless you are consumed and driven to pursue Him.

You can't see the price He paid to redeem you, or the great desire He has to bring wholeness into your life. You can't see the spiritual forces battling on your behalf. You can't see the victory that is already won for you. All you can see is the fear of the possibilities. You're here with only your faith and His promises, and the Enemy is willing to go to any lengths to keep you from living in them. What ARE you waiting for? Go!

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