Sunday, October 26, 2008

Politics and the Kingdom continued

Three reasons politics is a unhealthy pursuit for the Church

(1) Contrary to Kingdom growth:
The power of God is manifested in His people when we emulate the example of Christ by demonstrating love with humility, service, and sacrifice. Seizing power over "the world" to change behavior and make it a more comfortable place to be a Christian is contary to both the message of Jesus and the methods He used. Remember, He was the rightful heir to the throne of God, one with the Father, the rightful ruler of the world. But rather than seizing power by force, He chose to "empty Himself" and "make Himself of no reputation" (Phil. 2)
Consider His instructions to those who would follow in his footsteps: "Be as sheep among wolves" Be wise as serpents, gentle as doves" "Turn the other cheek" "Go the extra mile" etc...

The spread of the Kingdom (better translated "Reign of God") was clearly organic, not systemic. The gospel ("good news") of Christ ultimately revolutionizes (and I use revolution in the GK Chesterton sense) the world as it revolutionizes YOU (The Kingdom of Heaven is AMONG you)

(2) Distracts the Church from her true mission with a myopic vision:
The temptation here is to replace the authenticity of a Spirit-led life - Submission to God, respect for authority, completely sold-out Kingdom life - with self: becoming like a God to others (determining their actions by "power-over"), being the authority (ie..."The Moral Majority"), and having our own kingdoms stamped with a "Christian" label to justify our idolatry.
When this happens you have law over love, you replace Kingdom life with nationalism, Godliness with gain, humility and submission with power over others.

Once again, the followers of Christ that manifest this organism known as the Church were intended to BE the embodiment of the "Reign of God" by living a life that imitates Christ in message and method.

(3) It doesn't work:
There is no historically demonstrable example of the seizure of power being beneficial for the cause of Christ (a few negative examples would be the crusades, the reformation, and the slave trade) . Rather, the Church flourishes when believers are living a life that is completely Kingdom-focused regardless of their situation and occupation and outside of the world's methods of gaining power. From the first 300 years of the Church to the modern spread of the movement of Jesus in China, God has continually demonstrated His willingnes to manifest His power when His people humble themselves, seek HIS face, and turn from their OWN sins.

grace, peace, love,
phil 1:20-21, 3:7-10

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